Click Here for the Tricky Tray 2024 Flyer
Bloomfield Youth Aid Foundation Toy Drive
Thank you to those who donated to the Bloomfield Youth Aid Toy Drive.
Thank you to those who donated to the Bloomfield Youth Aid Toy Drive.
Memorial Day
Have a happy and safe memorial day weekend. Thank you to all military members who gave their lives in service, especially to those you know as family members, friends, and neighbors.
Have a happy and safe memorial day weekend. Thank you to all military members who gave their lives in service, especially to those you know as family members, friends, and neighbors.
Christmas Masses
Readings for the Christmas Vigil -
Readings for Christmas Day -
Live Stream on Christmas Eve at 5:30 PM and available for playback afterwards
Live Stream on Christmas Day at 10:00 AM and available for playback afterwards
Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License M-401221. All rights reserved.
Readings for the Christmas Vigil -
Readings for Christmas Day -
Live Stream on Christmas Eve at 5:30 PM and available for playback afterwards
Live Stream on Christmas Day at 10:00 AM and available for playback afterwards
Permission to podcast / stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License M-401221. All rights reserved.
Mass will be on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 12:00 Noon in the Church.
We won't be able to live stream the mass.
Devotion to the Saints, those holy men, and women, who have influenced the Church and the world, dates from the earliest ages of our Christian tradition and has been a source of inspiration and help for the People of God. The celebration of the Saints, according to the Fathers of the Vatican II acts “as a source of devotion and nourishment for personal prayer”. The veneration of the Saints has been and will remain an important part of the life of the Church. In fact, the Constitution on the Church of Vatican II speaks at great length about the veneration of the Saints. It views them as examples of faith and helpers to Church unity:
"When we look at the lives of those who have faithfully followed Christ, we are inspired with a new reason for seeking the City that is to come and at the same time we are shown a most safe path by which among the vicissitudes of this world, in keeping with the state in life and condition proper to each of us, we will be able to arrive at perfect union with Christ, that is, perfect holiness. In the lives of those who, sharing in our humanity, are however more perfectly transformed into the image of Christ, God vividly manifests His presence and His face to men. He speaks to us in them, and gives us a sign of His Kingdom, to which we are strongly drawn, having so great a cloud of witnesses over us and such a witness to the truth of the Gospel." Constitution On The Church #50
A link to all the Canonized Saints in our statues and stained glass is located on our website at
We celebrate all Saints, we also celebrate all baptized and the saints that live next door.
"I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance, I see the holiness of the Church. Very often, it is a holiness found in our next-door neighbors, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence. We might call them “the middle class of holiness”."
Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate
All Souls DayMass will be on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 12:00 Noon in the Church. We especially remember those who passed into eternal life this past year in the parish. In the transept, a book of remembrance is available to write the names of your friends, family, or anyone else who have passed into eternal life. You may also use the All Souls envelope and place their names on that. The envelopes will be placed on the altar.
We won't be able to live stream the mass.
Devotion to the Saints, those holy men, and women, who have influenced the Church and the world, dates from the earliest ages of our Christian tradition and has been a source of inspiration and help for the People of God. The celebration of the Saints, according to the Fathers of the Vatican II acts “as a source of devotion and nourishment for personal prayer”. The veneration of the Saints has been and will remain an important part of the life of the Church. In fact, the Constitution on the Church of Vatican II speaks at great length about the veneration of the Saints. It views them as examples of faith and helpers to Church unity:
"When we look at the lives of those who have faithfully followed Christ, we are inspired with a new reason for seeking the City that is to come and at the same time we are shown a most safe path by which among the vicissitudes of this world, in keeping with the state in life and condition proper to each of us, we will be able to arrive at perfect union with Christ, that is, perfect holiness. In the lives of those who, sharing in our humanity, are however more perfectly transformed into the image of Christ, God vividly manifests His presence and His face to men. He speaks to us in them, and gives us a sign of His Kingdom, to which we are strongly drawn, having so great a cloud of witnesses over us and such a witness to the truth of the Gospel." Constitution On The Church #50
A link to all the Canonized Saints in our statues and stained glass is located on our website at
We celebrate all Saints, we also celebrate all baptized and the saints that live next door.
"I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, in elderly religious who never lose their smile. In their daily perseverance, I see the holiness of the Church. Very often, it is a holiness found in our next-door neighbors, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence. We might call them “the middle class of holiness”."
Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate
All Souls DayMass will be on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 12:00 Noon in the Church. We especially remember those who passed into eternal life this past year in the parish. In the transept, a book of remembrance is available to write the names of your friends, family, or anyone else who have passed into eternal life. You may also use the All Souls envelope and place their names on that. The envelopes will be placed on the altar.
Advent 2022 begins Sunday, November 27, 2022.
Saint Valentine will continue the tradition of the Advent Giving Tree. This year it will again be online and in-person. Online donations can be made through RWJ Barnabas Health - Children's Hospital of NJ at
Our Annual Christmas Concert and Carol Sing will be Friday December 9 at 7:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served in Valentine Hall afterwards.
Simbang Gabi at Saint Valentine will be Sunday, December 18 at 5:00 PM with a reception to follow.
See below for more details and events.
Saint Valentine will continue the tradition of the Advent Giving Tree. This year it will again be online and in-person. Online donations can be made through RWJ Barnabas Health - Children's Hospital of NJ at
Our Annual Christmas Concert and Carol Sing will be Friday December 9 at 7:00 PM. Light refreshments will be served in Valentine Hall afterwards.
Simbang Gabi at Saint Valentine will be Sunday, December 18 at 5:00 PM with a reception to follow.
See below for more details and events.
1. Candle 1 (“The Prophet’s Candle”) is purple, lit during the first week of Advent, and symbolizes hope.
2. Candle 2 (“The Bethlehem Candle”) is purple, lit during the second week of Advent, and symbolizes peace.
3. Candle 3 (“The Shepherd’s Candle”) is pink or rose-colored, lit during the third week of Advent,
and represents joy.
4. Candle 4 (“The Angel’s Candle”) is purple, lit during the fourth week of Advent, and represents love.
1. Candle 1 (“The Prophet’s Candle”) is purple, lit during the first week of Advent, and symbolizes hope.
2. Candle 2 (“The Bethlehem Candle”) is purple, lit during the second week of Advent, and symbolizes peace.
3. Candle 3 (“The Shepherd’s Candle”) is pink or rose-colored, lit during the third week of Advent,
and represents joy.
4. Candle 4 (“The Angel’s Candle”) is purple, lit during the fourth week of Advent, and represents love.
Thank you to all the volunteers, sponsors, vendors, and those people who came out to have fun.
More pictures at
More pictures at
Happy Eightieth Birthday, Father Dennis.
Thank you for your wonderful 41-plus years of priestly ministry. With much love from Father Andrew, the staff, and Saint Valentine Parish
Thank you for your wonderful 41-plus years of priestly ministry. With much love from Father Andrew, the staff, and Saint Valentine Parish
Click the image below to view the flyer for the Pilgrimage to Jordan and the Holy Land, or use the "Flyers and More" button. The deadline to register has been extended to August 15, 2022.
This year 120 families have pledged $36,350 (132.8% of our goal), with $27,610 received as of June 7th. We exceeded both goals by June 30th! As a result, the parish gets an additional rebate of $2000.00. Thank you! Not only that, but your contributions help to Proclaim the Gospel, care for the poor and vulnerable, pass on the faith, form future priests & supporting retired priests. Thank you for your support. Information will be in the pews and entrances of the church and also online at
Need a Catholic Retreat?A retreat is a time to pause from the busy world and reflect on your spiritual life in a variety of ways.
The Redemptorists run retreats throughout the year at San Alfonso Retreat House, 755 Ocean Ave, Long Branch, NJ. You can visit or call 732-222-2731 for more information and a list of retreat dates.
The retreat theme for 2022 is Eucharistic: “The Real Presence: Gift of God and Blessing to One Another.” Through talks, rituals, liturgies, and time for quiet contemplation, the retreat will invite us to a deeper awareness of the grace and power of real presence - with God, with ourselves, with others, and with all creation. As we reflect on our life stories in the peace of Christ and the light of his Spirit, we pray to be the blessing of Jesus’ presence - love and compassion - to one another and all.
The cost of the retreat is $260 (deposit of $50) and includes lodging and meals.
The Redemptorists run retreats throughout the year at San Alfonso Retreat House, 755 Ocean Ave, Long Branch, NJ. You can visit or call 732-222-2731 for more information and a list of retreat dates.
The retreat theme for 2022 is Eucharistic: “The Real Presence: Gift of God and Blessing to One Another.” Through talks, rituals, liturgies, and time for quiet contemplation, the retreat will invite us to a deeper awareness of the grace and power of real presence - with God, with ourselves, with others, and with all creation. As we reflect on our life stories in the peace of Christ and the light of his Spirit, we pray to be the blessing of Jesus’ presence - love and compassion - to one another and all.
The cost of the retreat is $260 (deposit of $50) and includes lodging and meals.
Tom, the parish tech support person, will be going to the Men’s retreat from July 22-24. Email him at [email protected] if you are interested in going to that retreat and meeting up while there.

More images are on our blog at
All prayer is vital for Catholics because it connects us to God and others. There are many ways to pray - sometimes we go to a special place to pray or ask someone to pray for us. Prayer in front of a relic contains aspects of both.
First, we go off to a special quiet place to pray to be close to pray to someone who is recognized as Holy. There is also a closer spiritual connection when we are physically near someone. A relic, Latin for "remains," is a physical remnant of a canonized saint, either part of their body or a personal effect.
Second, we ask this person in heaven, recognized as a Canonized Saint, to pray for a particular intention, precisely an intention close to their heart - their patronage. Saint Josaphat is the patron Saint of Ukraine, and the Church recognizes this person as someone to pray to for this specific intention.
We are all asked to pray on behalf of the people of Ukraine, no matter what form that takes. As a family in your homes, gathered at church on the weekends, privately in your room, before the relic or before Jesus in the Eucharist.
Saint Valentine was founded in 1899 as a parish to serve the religious needs of the Polish community in Bloomfield and the surrounding area. While the church community is now very diverse and inclusive, its building has many Polish Saints depicted in its artwork. All are welcome to come to Saint Valentine to also pray for the people of Poland who have been so generous and heroic in their support of Ukraine.
First, we go off to a special quiet place to pray to be close to pray to someone who is recognized as Holy. There is also a closer spiritual connection when we are physically near someone. A relic, Latin for "remains," is a physical remnant of a canonized saint, either part of their body or a personal effect.
Second, we ask this person in heaven, recognized as a Canonized Saint, to pray for a particular intention, precisely an intention close to their heart - their patronage. Saint Josaphat is the patron Saint of Ukraine, and the Church recognizes this person as someone to pray to for this specific intention.
We are all asked to pray on behalf of the people of Ukraine, no matter what form that takes. As a family in your homes, gathered at church on the weekends, privately in your room, before the relic or before Jesus in the Eucharist.
Saint Valentine was founded in 1899 as a parish to serve the religious needs of the Polish community in Bloomfield and the surrounding area. While the church community is now very diverse and inclusive, its building has many Polish Saints depicted in its artwork. All are welcome to come to Saint Valentine to also pray for the people of Poland who have been so generous and heroic in their support of Ukraine.
Saint Josaphat is the patron Saint of Ukraine. Relics are physical objects directly associated with our Lord or a canonized saint. Saint Valentine Church is a steward of the relic of Saint Josaphat Kuntsevych, O.S.B.M. He was a Polish–Lithuanian monk and archeparch of the Ruthenian Catholic Church. He was born in Ukraine and is the patron Saint of Ukraine.
The Archdiocese of Newark published a press release about our parish and the relic. See
Jersey Catholic:
Bloomfield Patch:
Those wishing to pray for peace can visit the relic from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays and between 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays. The entrance to the rectory chapel is located on North Spring Street.,+Bloomfield,+NJ+07003/@40.8094513,-74.1867201,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2556e8c479865:0x8286e6d7f861c929!8m2!3d40.8094504!4d-74.1861768
The Archdiocese of Newark published a press release about our parish and the relic. See
Jersey Catholic:
Bloomfield Patch:
Those wishing to pray for peace can visit the relic from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Mondays through Fridays and between 11:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. on Saturdays. The entrance to the rectory chapel is located on North Spring Street.,+Bloomfield,+NJ+07003/@40.8094513,-74.1867201,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c2556e8c479865:0x8286e6d7f861c929!8m2!3d40.8094504!4d-74.1861768
Fish Fry Pictures on our social media accounts and on our website's blog -
As resources become available, members of our Adult and Treble choirs will receive the sheet music.
Our rehearsal pages may include menus for masses scheduled, programs, links to sound clips or recordings, links to YouTube videos ( midi files or voiced parts or full pieces). We will do our best to provide resources for any home rehearsal you need.
Click on the needed page link.
Adult Choir
Treble Choir
Throughout the active Choir Season, Choir members are requested to check your rehearsal page(s) often for any changes. For urgent or critical announcements, you will be notified ASAP via email (or Phone chain).
All parishioners and friends are welcome to visit these pages if you have an interest in how we prepare for Mass.
Any questions may be directed to any choir member.
Our rehearsal pages may include menus for masses scheduled, programs, links to sound clips or recordings, links to YouTube videos ( midi files or voiced parts or full pieces). We will do our best to provide resources for any home rehearsal you need.
Click on the needed page link.
Adult Choir
Treble Choir
Throughout the active Choir Season, Choir members are requested to check your rehearsal page(s) often for any changes. For urgent or critical announcements, you will be notified ASAP via email (or Phone chain).
All parishioners and friends are welcome to visit these pages if you have an interest in how we prepare for Mass.
Any questions may be directed to any choir member.
The Choirs need voices!
AND we could use your help.
Winter and Spring 2020
Experience singing in a group.
Don't leave it to someone else!
If you have singing experience of any kind it's a plus.
BUT we CAN teach you the rudiments of chorale singing.
Many of us are amateurs.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 PM (or as announced)
and will sing the 10 AM Sunday morning Mass once we are ready.
Help us to build an even fuller sound !
It takes ALL kinds of voices.
And the more voices participating,
the greater the range of musical possibilities.
Don't miss the fun. JOIN us!
The Music Ministry of St. Valentine
All are invited to participate in a Listening Session to pray, listen, and discern where the Holy Spirit is leading the Church. The ten local churches in the deanery will be holding a cross parish listening Session on January 20th at 7:00PM in Madonna Hall (below the church) at Immaculate Conception Church in Montclair. All are welcome. Please email [email protected] or call the parish office if you plan to attend so we can provide an estimate to the facilitators. Thank you.

rcan_opening_synod_letter_from__jwt.pdf |
Cardinal Tobin's pastoral letter introduces 'synod on synodality' to faithful of the Archdiocese
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! This past weekend Pope Francis launched a two-year “synod on synodality,” a call to all the members of the Catholic Church across the world to enter a process of listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in order to discern the path we must walk together. Yesterday, Pope Francis celebrated the Eucharist in St. Peter’s Square as the first solemn act of the Synod. Next Sunday, October 17 in dioceses across the world, bishops will celebrate the opening of the synodal process in their respective dioceses. On that day, I will preside at the Eucharist in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart at 12 Noon and would be delighted if you might join us....
Please see the attached PDF or use the following link
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ! This past weekend Pope Francis launched a two-year “synod on synodality,” a call to all the members of the Catholic Church across the world to enter a process of listening to the Holy Spirit and to each other in order to discern the path we must walk together. Yesterday, Pope Francis celebrated the Eucharist in St. Peter’s Square as the first solemn act of the Synod. Next Sunday, October 17 in dioceses across the world, bishops will celebrate the opening of the synodal process in their respective dioceses. On that day, I will preside at the Eucharist in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart at 12 Noon and would be delighted if you might join us....
Please see the attached PDF or use the following link

On May 21, 2021, Pope Francis surprised the Church by announcing that the Synod of Bishops, postponed due to the pandemic, will be preceded by a synodal process that includes “listening to all of the baptized” in every local diocese before the bishops gather again in 2023.
The Archdiocese of Newark joined dioceses throughout the world in celebrating a special Opening Mass on Oct. 17 to launch “Synod 2021-2023: For a Synodal Church,” a two-year re-examination of the way the Catholic Church is listening to and walking with its parishioners.
For more information, please visit -
The Archdiocese of Newark joined dioceses throughout the world in celebrating a special Opening Mass on Oct. 17 to launch “Synod 2021-2023: For a Synodal Church,” a two-year re-examination of the way the Catholic Church is listening to and walking with its parishioners.
For more information, please visit -
Celebrating the Feast Day of Saint Valentine
In celebration of the Feast Day of Saint Valentine we will be having light snacks (coffee/tea/water/soda/cookies/breakfast snacks) after all masses the weekend of February 12 and 13. Please stop down to Valentine Hall below the church after masses to grab a snack and meet with your fellow parishioners. There will also be a slideshow of images of events and activities from the past year.
In celebration of the Feast Day of Saint Valentine we will be having light snacks (coffee/tea/water/soda/cookies/breakfast snacks) after all masses the weekend of February 12 and 13. Please stop down to Valentine Hall below the church after masses to grab a snack and meet with your fellow parishioners. There will also be a slideshow of images of events and activities from the past year.

synod_listening_sessionn_parish.pdf |

First Day of Class for our Faith Formation Program - September 19, 2021
Saint Valentine has teamed with the Valerie Fund to donate gifts to those in need this Christmas and Holiday season. The wish list is available via Amazon by using the following link. Thank you for you generosity.
Use the following shipping address:
The Valerie Fund
C/O Newark Beth Israel
201 Lyons Ave. Newark NJ 07112
Questions - Call Patty at 973-379-6626.
The Valerie Fund
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center & Children’s Hospital of New Jersey
For more information about the Children's Hospital of New Jersey (CHoNJ), please visit
Use the following shipping address:
The Valerie Fund
C/O Newark Beth Israel
201 Lyons Ave. Newark NJ 07112
Questions - Call Patty at 973-379-6626.
The Valerie Fund
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center & Children’s Hospital of New Jersey
For more information about the Children's Hospital of New Jersey (CHoNJ), please visit