Saint Valentine
Athletic Club Officers 2020 President: Ken Donofrio Vice President: Tim Botti Treasurer: Mike McGowan Secretary: Jim Bell Trustees: David Soto, Nick Seedyke and Pete Vocaturo Sgt. at Arms; Cal Moreno Meetings are on every first Thursday night at 8pm except during the months of July and August. Club Nights on all other Thursday nights at 7pm.
St Valentine Athletic Club promotes social activities for our CommunityCome and join us! Enjoy the company and
fellowship of parishioners and friends. Our Athletic Club also helps the Church through raising funds from membership dues, donations and various fund-raisers and has recently given: $2500.00 to the Church maintenance fund, $2500.00 to replace refrigeration in the rectory, $150.00 to sponsor a table at Casino Night, $100.00 donation to the Church Fish fry Join us for the upcoming Events in 2020!
Thu Jan 2, 2020: 7pm Prayer Meeting Sun Feb 2, 2020: 6pm Superbowl Party Thu Feb 6, 2020: 8pm Meeting Sat Feb 15, 2020: 7pm Beefsteak Dinner Fri Feb 28, 2020: 4pm Scholarship Selection Thu Mar 5, 2020: 7pm Prayer Meeting Sat Mar 28, 2020: Club Clean-Up Sun Mar 29, 2020: Communion Breakfast Thu Apr 2, 2020: 8pm Meeting Fri Apr 3, 2020: Deliver Easter Food Apr 5-12, 2020: Holy Week & Easter Thu Apr 9, 2020: 10:15-10:45pm Adoration Thu May 7, 2020: 7pm Prayer Meeting Thu Jun 4, 2020: 8pm Meeting