There are three Holy Oils in the administering or celebrating of the sacraments here at Saint Valentine. Each is blessed by the Archbishop at the Chrism Mass during Holy Week each year. They are stored in the ambry between the main vestibule and the church. You can see two letters on each oil container which indicates which one it is and what is it used for.
Oil of Holy Chrism, SC (Sanctum Chrisma in Latin)
To anoint during the rite of Baptism and in the sacrament of Confirmation, to anoint the priests’ hands at ordination, to anoint the altar and the walls of the house of the Church.
Oil of the Catechumens, OC (Oleum Catechumenorum in Latin)
For all the anointing of all the infants, children, and adults who are called to prepare for the sacrament of Baptism.
Oil of the Sick, OI (Oleum Infirmorum in Latin)
For the anointing of all who suffer in mind and body, the elderly, and those who will be undergoing surgery. (Anointing of the Sick)
Oil of Holy Chrism, SC (Sanctum Chrisma in Latin)
To anoint during the rite of Baptism and in the sacrament of Confirmation, to anoint the priests’ hands at ordination, to anoint the altar and the walls of the house of the Church.
Oil of the Catechumens, OC (Oleum Catechumenorum in Latin)
For all the anointing of all the infants, children, and adults who are called to prepare for the sacrament of Baptism.
Oil of the Sick, OI (Oleum Infirmorum in Latin)
For the anointing of all who suffer in mind and body, the elderly, and those who will be undergoing surgery. (Anointing of the Sick)