Ministry of the Eucharist These Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers assist in the celebration of the Mass and in the distribution of the Holy Communion. They wash the sacred vessels and set up the Credence Table for the next Mass. Training and periodic updates will be provided. This ministry is open to anyone at least 18 years of age and has received the First Holy Communion. Eucharistic Minister Manual Ministry to the Sick and Homebound This ministry is open to Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers who want to carry the Holy Communion from Mass to our sick and homebound parishioners, who are still very much a part of our Parish Family.
Ministry of Lector This ministry involves the proclamation of the Word of God at Mass. Training and periodic updates will be provided. A workbook that contains the Sunday readings is provided so that you can prepare the readings during the week which is vital to the proclamation of the scriptures. We invite men and women, at least 18 years old and have received the First Holy Communion, to consider this as their gift to God and our parish family. Lector Manual Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) Each Mass has Ushers to act as welcomers, to assist with proper order during the Liturgy, and attend to a clean and orderly service. They take up the Mass Collection and assist in many other ways. This ministry is open to parishioners at least 18 years old.
Ministry of Altar Servers As an Altar Server you are one of the liturgical ministers that assist at Mass. The Altar Server serves the presiding priest during Mass. We invite the men, women, and children (at least 3rd grade age level and have received the First Holy Communion) of our parish family to consider this ministry. Also a special need for adults to serve at funerals which make a wonderful opportunity for retired people to be of special service to those burying a loved one. Altar Server Manual (Work in Progress)