Josephine Sarno, Director of Religious Education is retiring in June 2020. We wish her a well-deserved rest.
WELCOME! Catechism Classes for children and young people of the parish attending public school (Grades 1 -8) are offered on Sunday mornings from 11am to 12 pm, immediately following the 10AM Mass. Our program, which normally begins on the 3rd Sunday in September [Catechetical Sunday] and concludes in late Spring, is open to all families formally registered in the parish.
Sacramental Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion requires two consecutive years of Catechism. (Documentation of any previous catechism is requested). Continuous attendance in our program, which leads to the Sacrament of Confirmation at the conclusion of the 8th grade level, is expected. The family's faithful attendance at Sunday mass is a required component of our Catechism Program.
Registration Forms for families currently in the program are mailed home in the Spring to those families and should be submitted as soon as possible. Re-Registrations Forms are available at the Rectory (or in the vestibule of the Church during the summer months) for those in need of one.
Note that families new to the program must call Fr Andrew at (973) 743-0220 for a New Student Registration Packet and to schedule a meeting with the Director of Religious Education. A fee schedule & further information will be provided; a Baptismal Certificate must be submitted when registering a new student.
Inquiries regarding the Catechetical Ministry (Catechists, Catechist Substitutes or Aides) are most welcome; kindly contact the Religious Education Office at the number above for more information.
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is a faith-formation charism for adults under the auspice of the Neo-Catechumenate Community.
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