Annual Appeal Update.
Thank you and great work. Saint Valentine has reached its goal of $27,382.00 and in fact exceeded it by a few hundred dollars as of June 19, 2021. To put this in perspective, by going through all the data I have back to 2014: It is the first time we met our goal in that time frame. This is the most the parish has collected in that time span. It is more than double any year for the past four years. We have collected more in six months than in any of the past full seven years, but please honor your pledge commitment so we reach the full pledged amount. How did we do this? Many people gave what they could. Two-thirds of the pledges came from about 100 families ranging from $1-$525 and the other third came from 7 families who donated $1000 or more. That is the beauty of community and simply doing what we can. It all adds up regardless of what your personal situation is. Even if you couldn’t give, but said a prayer for this appeal.. THANK YOU!. Read 1 Corinthians 12 if you don’t believe me – We, the Church, are all one Body with Christ as our head. As a result of your generosity the Archdiocese will not require us to make up that difference. In fact by reaching the goal by June 30th the parish will save about $3000. We get to keep 1% of our collection that would have otherwise gone to the Archdiocesan Assessment, which is different from the appeal and based on yearly giving. On a personal note – Thank you – You made this new administrator very proud by your generosity and responding to my request. I am truly humbled and blessed to be here in such a wonderful parish. I look forward to continuing our work here at Saint Valentine…Can the Church say AMEN?!!!
Annual Appeal 2021 talk by Father Andrew on February 7, 2021. The parish is still trying to meet its goal. Please prayerfully consider donating if you have not donated this year. For more information and to donate please visit